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Altus Oklahoma Bank fraud. Colorado straw loan lot buyer kickbacks and appraiser fraud

Editor's note: This is only part of the Colorado of the case evidence presented to the Colorado FBI December 28, 2008 The description below was provided by one of the Colorado landowner victims crimes. I added the tax credit information that had not been fully uncovered at the time.

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  • MAPI Executive Brief View
  • MAPI Overview, Structure & Membership Interest. Diagram. View
  • MAPI Timeline View
  • FBI v FDIC v DOJ - three-way contradictions in versions of crimes to cover-up without investigating. View

Re: Roger Johnson. Grassy Creek Colorado Holding, Colorado. MAPI landowner partner

Mountain Adventures Properties Investments (MAPI) partnership, Steamboat Springs, Colorado.

Re: Roger Johnson, manager of GCHC and a manager of MAPI) located in Steamboat Springs, Colorado.

Re: Roger Johnson, manager of GCHC, one of two MAPI landowner partners and majority owners/managers. The other was 4S Development managed by Ron Sills. The Altus bank group controlled the books.

As an example, I am attaching closing documents which show closed sales at Mt. Harris, and then unauthorized "kickbacks" to the buyers...buyers being FSB associates or affiliates. The "kickbacks" take the form refunds of the buyer's down payment back to the buyer from MAPI (the Seller). You will notice that the "kickbacks" or refunds to buyers do not show up on the settlement statements that I signed, and in several cases, Don Anderson crossed out my name and signs for MAPI as seller. This is because he had the title company cut two to go to the seller (MAPI) and another which could be deposited into another account to send back to the buyer or other destination. In some cases, no proceeds went to MAPI at all.

The legal opinions I've received indicate that this is 1) theft in that Anderson/Doughty/Grissom had no right to disperse MAPI money back to their buyers without approval from MAPI and; 2) bank fraud in that the buyer's have no "skin in the game" since they got their money back right after closing and I'm sure this was not disclosed to a loan committee any more than it was to MAPI.

DOJ ChargesLot buyersDOJ Initials used hideCalled as witnessDown payment kickbackLots Grassy Creek At Mt. HarrisOklahoma Bank & Tax Frauds
C. Joseph RamosJ.R.Yes$100,0001, 40 
DOJ hid(1)Matthew Griffith (attorney) owner of Edisn Ventures, LLC(1) E.V. $70,49214Yes
pleaded guilty on 1 countFred Don Anderson owner of Global Industrial Management, LLC(2))GIMYes$145,33622, 23Yes
 Joe LeverettJ.L.Yes Count 4$70,00035Yes
Michael C. CarterM.C.$100,0005, 6, 15 
The Crow Family LP, NevadaT.C.Yes$100,00011, 37, 39 
William C. Ray(3))W.R.$70,0007Yes
Convicted 9 countsPaul DoughtyBy defense$68,26338Yes
Convicted 9 countsPaul DoughtyBy defense$72,50022Yes
Anita Sills **A.S.$140,000 Paid to Mark Sills8 
Dale Neffendorf **D.N.$140,000 Paid to Mark Sills29 
Mark A. Sills**M.S.$140,0009 
 David(4) and Suzie BraddockD.B.David Braddock Count 5None10Yes
 Ghost Hole Partners, LLC David C. Hock, David J. FitzpatrickG.H.P.Yes Count 3None13 
Karen Gan; K. Gonzalez: Kona Sunset Revocable Trust Dated Oct 3 2007K.G.None28 
Shawn M. Sills(5)S.S.None30 
Evidence source located in Federal Court case Denver CO
MAPI Executive BriefView
MAPI OverviewView
1) DOJ protecting, Matthew Griffith: a) one of Doughty's attorneys, paid a kickback and was one of Oklahoma's so called unidentified attorneys that supposedly found a loophome in the 2006 cover-up attorneys, and b) Griffith was one of the attorneys the FDIC accused of giving Doughty bad legal advice for the Colorado (MAPI) lot loans .
2) Global Industrial Management, LLC, dba Altus Ventures
3) William C. Ray, former drug dealer, pardoned by Pres. Bill Clinton, after donating to the Clinton Library
4) David Braddock, another of Doughty's attorneys and Oklahoma State Legislator involved in tax credit legislation
5) Kickbacks paid Mark Sills for Anita Sills & Dale Neffendorf. Mark A. Sills who also made the down payments

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