Like the 1,000s of other pages of evidence uncovered and descriptions of crimes on this site, this web page is only one part of a massive multi-state entanglement of government corruption and cover-up. See size
Multiple forms of evidence exposing multiple acts and forms of corruption.
This evidence applies to First State Bank Altus OK subsidiaries and affiliates Altus Bank Group. The Altus bank group was only one of many involved, but they made an inordinate number of mistakes and left an astounding amount of evidence. The Altus bank group was only one of many, but they made an inordinate number of mistakes and left an astounding amount of evidence.
Forms of evidence uncovered in Oklahoma crimes. Below is a list of evidence uncovered, and parts apply in different mixes in different cases. In the Altus bank's multiple crimes, all of the below apply. The point is to demonstrate the extent of back turning.
Color codes: Five (of Oklahoma's 63) Tax Credits Structured for shared investment funds (CAPCOs). Yellow and Blue: Capital Formation Incentive Act (CFIA) Tax Credits 68 2357.62, .63, .73, .74 Green: Venture Capital Tax Credits 68 2357.7: Bank of Oklahoma and Cimarron Business Capital Yellow: Tax credits used by Altus bank group. |
False Investment claims
Evidence found in SEC form D's and Stock filings proving tax credit investment claims were false, and multiple uses of the same tax credit.
Part of false reporting evidence
Part reports filed
Crimes using Oklahoma State Tax credits and tax refunds
Oklahomas Five Shared Investment funds included
Capital Formation Incentive Act (CFIA) (2006) tax credits, 4 types View Xlsx file - Sheet CFIA Capcos
Venture Capital Tax Credits View Xlsx file - Sheet VC Investors
Misc Confidential OTC emails
Letters of testimony. Statements by former President of Quartz Mountain Aerospace on false tax credit investment claims. Sent to 1) the Oklahoma State House Subcommittee prior to meeting with Tony Mastin the head of the Oklahoma Tax Commission (OTC), and 2) Altus Times. The house tax committee ignored, but the Altus Times published.
Multiple forms of evidence for the same crimes
Cover up
There are several public areas around Arbuckle just outside Ardmore that we can go and talk. I have never seen more than 1 or 2 others at one. I go this way to see my sister and family in Dennison. I would take my dog with me and stop at one area to let my dog run around a little.